Nothing challenges a person to examine his or her identity quite like an adventure in God's great outdoors. Campers will learn that who they are doesn't depend on where they are or what they do, but who Christ is and how He loves them!
Park Free and our Hopkins neighbor, Emmaus Road Church, will invite children to a VBS “mountaintop experience” this summer here in our building. Would you like to be a part of the adventure? We are recruiting our VBS staff and volunteers starting now! Please pray about your involvement as we do our preliminary review of VBS materials and cement a date on the church calendars. Watch for more information in the upcoming weeks. It is such an amazing opportunity to come together in the kingdom of God to embrace children. Park Free has a neat history of teamwork in this area and we look forward to building community here and to sharing Christ's love with our neighbors!
If you have questions, please contact Kris Christiansen at 465-8382 or krischristiansen@comcast.net.
If you would like to look at the publishers website for a preview of the week's themes, check out:
I would be very happy to help with VBS, count me in.