Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Do you want to know something? God answers prayer! We prayed for very specific things going into our Thanksgiving meal for the homeless and God was faithful like He always is! There were attitudes and hearts changed that morning as we fellowshipped with our new friends.

Didn't the gym look wonderful and festive? Thanks to those that came early to set everything up!

Thanks also to those that cooked, prepared, and served the meal!

God saw to it that just the right people were in attendance that morning.

This was our first attempt at a dinner like this, and I think it was a great success! A few of the guys who came even gave us suggestions on how to make it better next time.

Thank you God for your never ending faithfulness!

1 comment:

  1. I thought it felt good to expand what we usually do on Thanksgiving to include others who need some tenderness in their lives. I pray the light of Jesus shown though us that day.
